Upstream Downstream Training Plant (UDTP)
INSTEP’s Upstream Downstream Training Plant (UDTP) is the key element of PETRONAS’ experience-based technical training concept. This state-of-the-art facility, located in INSTEP, provides a conducive learning environment through holistic instructional approach.
Managed by the Training Plant & Operation department (TPO), learners perform real activities on a live plant to enhance their competencies through hands-on training as well as experiential learning guided by our experienced and qualified instructors. Both Upstream and Downstream training plants at UDTP were commissioned in 2014 and are used in training and assessment of learners as well as their qualifications for local and international accreditation bodies such as BTEC and OPITO.
Download UDTP brochure here.
Upstream Downstream Training Plant UDTP
INSTEP’s Upstream Downstream Training Plant (UDTP) is the key element of PETRONAS’ experience-based technical training concept. This state-of-the-art facility, located in INSTEP, provides a conducive learning environment through holistic instructional approach.
Managed by the Training Plant & Operation department (TPO), learners perform real activities on a live plant to enhance their competencies through hands-on training as well as experiential learning guided by our experienced and qualified instructors. Both Upstream and Downstream training plants at UDTP were commissioned in 2014 and are used in training and assessment of learners as well as their qualifications for local and international accreditation bodies such as BTEC and OPITO.
Download UDTP brochure here.
BTEC Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Oil and Gas Technology (Process)
This programme offers fundamental knowledge and exposure on maintenance, servicing and troubleshooting activities towards electrical equipment and system in real working environment at oil and gas industry.

BTEC Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Oil and Gas Technology (Production)
This programme offers fundamental knowledge and exposure on overall plant start-up, shutdown and normal operation activities with process monitoring in real working environment at oil and gas industry.

BTEC Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Oil and Gas Technology (Mechanical)
This programme offers fundamental knowledge and exposure on design, operation, maintenance and inspection of mechanical equipments in real working environment at oil and gas industry.

BTEC Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Oil and Gas Technology (Electrical)
This programme offers fundamental knowledge and exposure on maintenance, servicing and troubleshooting activities towards electrical equipment and system in real working environment at oil and gas industry.

BTEC Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Oil and Gas Technology (Instrumentation)
This programme offers the fundamental knowledge and exposure on plant maintenance and turn around activities in real working environment at oil and gas industry.

Downstream Training Plant
The Downstream Training Plant consists of two main processing units: a Crude Distillation Unit (CDU), and a Hydrotreater Unit (HTU). The CDU replicates a simplified refinery fractionation unit while the HTU provides learners with practical experience of reforming and hydrotreating activities in the downstream sector of hydrocarbon processing. Both units utilise Mono-Ethylene Glycol mixture as the processing medium at low pressure and temperature to ensure safe working conditions for our learners.

Upstream Training Plant
The Upstream Training Plant comprises two almost identical plants: Trains A & B, which consist of single and multiphase “Wells”, Test/High/Low Pressure Separators, Electrostatic Separator, Oil Stabilisation Unit, Gas Compressors, Dehydration System, Coolers, and Produced Water Treatment. The Upstream plants are operated using three phases oil/water/gas closed loop circulation system which is equipped with all necessary utilities. There are also Pigging, Gas Lift, Gas & Water Injection, and Oil Metering facilities with a multi-phase flow meter. Mineral oil and nitrogen are used to simulate crude oil and hydrocarbon gas.

The Upstream plants are operated at significantly low pressure and temperature than a real plant thus providing a safe environment for learners. Both plants are operated completely hydrocarbon-free, using mineral oil, water, and nitrogen in a closed-loop circulation system which further enhances the safe delivery of hands-on training.

Common Utilities
Common utilities supplying both Upstream and Downstream Training Plants include a Compressed and Instrument Air Systems, Nitrogen Generation System, and a Raw Water Systems. Both Upstream and Downstream plants have individual Closed/Open Drains System and Flare Systems. Downstream Plant benefits from a Steam Generation & Cooling Water System. Electrical power is supplied by the local distribution system.

Central Control Room (CCR)
All training plants in UDTP are controlled, monitored, and protected by a dedicated Integrated Control and Safety System (ICSS), comprising Distributed Control System (DCS), Instrument Protection System (IPS), and Fire & Gas System (FGS), located in Central Control Room (CCR) facilities at the Training Plant Operation area.

BTEC Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Oil and Gas Technology (Process)
This programme offers fundamental knowledge and exposure on maintenance, servicing and troubleshooting activities towards electrical equipment and system in real working environment at oil and gas industry.

BTEC Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Oil and Gas Technology (Production)
This programme offers fundamental knowledge and exposure on overall plant start-up, shutdown and normal operation activities with process monitoring in real working environment at oil and gas industry.

BTEC Level 3 Advanced Diploma in oil and Gas Technology (Mechanical)
This programme offers fundamental knowledge and exposure on design, operation, maintenance and inspection of mechanical equipments in real working environment at oil and gas industry.

BTEC Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Oil and Gas Technology (Electrical)
This programme offers fundamental knowledge and exposure on maintenance, servicing and troubleshooting activities towards electrical equipment and system in real working environment at oil and gas industry.

BTEC Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Oil and Gas Technology (Instrumentation)
This programme offers the fundamental knowledge and exposure on plant maintenance and turn around activities in real working environment at oil and gas industry.

Downstream Training Plant
The Downstream Training Plant consists of two main processing units: a Crude Distillation Unit (CDU), and a Hydrotreater Unit (HTU). The CDU replicates a simplified refinery fractionation unit while the HTU provides learners with practical experience of reforming and hydrotreating activities in the downstream sector of hydrocarbon processing. Both units utilise Mono-Ethylene Glycol mixture as the processing medium at low pressure and temperature to ensure safe working conditions for our learners.

Upstream Training Plant
The Upstream Training Plant comprises two almost identical plants: Trains A & B, which consist of single and multiphase “Wells”, Test/High/Low Pressure Separators, Electrostatic Separator, Oil Stabilisation Unit, Gas Compressors, Dehydration System, Coolers, and Produced Water Treatment. The Upstream plants are operated using three phases oil/water/gas closed loop circulation system which is equipped with all necessary utilities. There are also Pigging, Gas Lift, Gas & Water Injection, and Oil Metering facilities with a multi-phase flow meter. Mineral oil and nitrogen are used to simulate crude oil and hydrocarbon gas.

The Upstream plants are operated at significantly low pressure and temperature than a real plant thus providing a safe environment for learners. Both plants are operated completely hydrocarbon-free, using mineral oil, water, and nitrogen in a closed-loop circulation system which further enhances the safe delivery of hands-on training.

Common Utilities
Common utilities supplying both Upstream and Downstream Training Plants include a Compressed and Instrument Air Systems, Nitrogen Generation System, and a Raw Water Systems. Both Upstream and Downstream plants have individual Closed/Open Drains System and Flare Systems. Downstream Plant benefits from a Steam Generation & Cooling Water System. Electrical power is supplied by the local distribution system.

Central Control Room (CCR)
All training plants in UDTP are controlled, monitored, and protected by a dedicated Integrated Control and Safety System (ICSS), comprising Distributed Control System (DCS), Instrument Protection System (IPS), and Fire & Gas System (FGS), located in Central Control Room (CCR) facilities at the Training Plant Operation area.

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