Committed to the role as a capability caretaker and technical learning solutions for PETRONAS, Institut Teknologi Petroleum PETRONAS (INSTEP) received guests from Sumitomo Corporation on 24 May 2021.
Established in December 1919 in Japan, Sumitomo Corporation (SC) is a leading Fortune Global 500 trading & business investment company, which has set its footprint across more than 100 locations locally and internationally. As part of its collaboration with PETRONAS, Sumitomo looks into sharing of Human Resource expertise through networking sessions and visits to PETRONAS capability learning arms, i.e. PETRONAS Leadership Centre (PLC), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) and INSTEP.
Leveraging on fast evolution technology in virtual communication, INSTEP has hosted the session via Microsoft Teams attended by 126 attendees. The delegates from Sumitomo as well as counterparts from PETRONAS had the opportunity to witness INSTEP campus facilities and its capacity in charting the training pathway of technical workforce virtually.
The event began with a warm welcoming speech by Mr. Idris Ibrahim, Chief Executive Officer of INSTEP and an opening speech by Mr. Atsushi Sawada, General Manager of Strategic Alliance Business Development Office (SABDO), Sumitomo Corporation Asia & Oceania Pte. Ltd (SCAO). Mr. Atsushi was grateful for the support from INSTEP which enabled the Sumitomo members to broaden their knowledge on the professional capabilities and management of PETRONAS educational business.

The delegates from Sumitomo Corporation were taken to a corporate presentation where our Learning Consultant, Mr. Nabil Syafiq Noordin, introduced the wholesome journey of INSTEP throughout its 40 years of existence.
Thanks to technological advances, the attendees were able to view all the facilities available within the 200-acre campus through a 360-degree virtual tour of INSTEP.

Other than that, they were able to witness INSTEP game-changer, Upstream Downstream Training Plant (UDTP), through a live broadcast. The attendees were fascinated by how learners are exposed to wholesome learning experience to enhance their understanding in a technical knowledge and skills at UDTP, which simulates actual upstream and downstream plant scenarios in safe operating conditions.

Finally, the event concluded with a virtual group photo session. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Sumitomo Corporation for attending the virtual visit. Through this event, we look forward to empowering the technical competencies of talents from Sumitomo Corporation, anchoring on our winning aspiration of being ‘a progressive solutions partner enriching energy workforce for a sustainable future‘.

Committed to the role as a capability caretaker and technical learning solutions for PETRONAS, Institut Teknologi Petroleum PETRONAS (INSTEP) received guests from Sumitomo Corporation on 24 May 2021.
Established in December 1919 in Japan, Sumitomo Corporation (SC) is a leading Fortune Global 500 trading & business investment company, which has set its footprint across more than 100 locations locally and internationally. As part of its collaboration with PETRONAS, Sumitomo looks into sharing of Human Resource expertise through networking sessions and visits to PETRONAS capability learning arms, i.e. PETRONAS Leadership Centre (PLC), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) and INSTEP.
Leveraging on fast evolution technology in virtual communication, INSTEP has hosted the session via Microsoft Teams attended by 126 attendees. The delegates from Sumitomo as well as counterparts from PETRONAS had the opportunity to witness INSTEP campus facilities and its capacity in charting the training pathway of technical workforce virtually.
The event began with a warm welcoming speech by Mr. Idris Ibrahim, Chief Executive Officer of INSTEP and an opening speech by Mr. Atsushi Sawada, General Manager of Strategic Alliance Business Development Office (SABDO), Sumitomo Corporation Asia & Oceania Pte. Ltd (SCAO). Mr. Atsushi was grateful for the support from INSTEP which enabled the Sumitomo members to broaden their knowledge on the professional capabilities and management of PETRONAS educational business.

The delegates from Sumitomo Corporation were taken to a corporate presentation where our Learning Consultant, Mr. Nabil Syafiq Noordin, introduced the wholesome journey of INSTEP throughout its 40 years of existence.
Thanks to technological advances, the attendees were able to view all the facilities available within the 200-acre campus through a 360-degree virtual tour of INSTEP.

Other than that, they were able to witness INSTEP game-changer, Upstream Downstream Training Plant (UDTP), through a live broadcast. The attendees were fascinated by how learners are exposed to wholesome learning experience to enhance their understanding in a technical knowledge and skills at UDTP, which simulates actual upstream and downstream plant scenarios in safe operating conditions.

Finally, the event concluded with a virtual group photo session. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Sumitomo Corporation for attending the virtual visit. Through this event, we look forward to empowering the technical competencies of talents from Sumitomo Corporation, anchoring on our winning aspiration of being ‘a progressive solutions partner enriching energy workforce for a sustainable future‘.