This MSc Process Plant Operation programme aims to produce graduates who are not only competent in managing and operating process plant by applying latest advanced technology, but at the same time showing organisational leadership, professionalism and responsibility towards society and environment.

Designed and delivered by senior academicians and industrial experts, the programme offers a flexible and multi-mode delivery comprised of blended learning via virtual and face-to-face engagement, on-site activities, industrial case studies, problem-based learning and real plant experiential learning at INSTEP’s first-of-its-kind Upstream Downstream Training Plant (UDTP) (read more about UDTP here https://www.instep.my/training-plants-academies/upstream-downstream-training-plant-udtp/ )
Earn your MSc’s scroll with additional 5 certificates of training from Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and INSTEP today!
Contact the focal or click the links below/scan the QR code on the poster for more details:
- Focal:
- Assoc. Prof. Ts Dr Suriati Ghazali: 019-570 0317 or suriati@ump.edu.my
- Dr Khairatun Najwa Mohd Amin: 012-722 3374 or knajwa@ump.edu.my
- More details on this programme: https://ftkkp.ump.edu.my/index.php/academic/master-by-coursework/master-in-process-plant-operation
- For application process: https://ipsonline.ump.edu.my/ipsonline/admission_v2/

This MSc Process Plant Operation programme aims to produce graduates who are not only competent in managing and operating process plant by applying latest advanced technology, but at the same time showing organisational leadership, professionalism and responsibility towards society and environment.

Designed and delivered by senior academicians and industrial experts, the programme offers a flexible and multi-mode delivery comprised of blended learning via virtual and face-to-face engagement, on-site activities, industrial case studies, problem-based learning and real plant experiential learning at INSTEP’s first-of-its-kind Upstream Downstream Training Plant (UDTP) (read more about UDTP here https://www.instep.my/training-plants-academies/upstream-downstream-training-plant-udtp/ )
Earn your MSc’s scroll with additional 5 certificates of training from Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and INSTEP today!
Contact the focal or click the links below/scan the QR code on the poster for more details:
- Focal:
- Assoc. Prof. Ts Dr Suriati Ghazali: 019-570 0317 or suriati@ump.edu.my
- Dr Khairatun Najwa Mohd Amin: 012-722 3374 or knajwa@ump.edu.my
- More details on this programme: https://ftkkp.ump.edu.my/index.php/academic/master-by-coursework/master-in-process-plant-operation
- For application process: https://ipsonline.ump.edu.my/ipsonline/admission_v2/