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2017 Global Getenergy Awards. Vote for INSTEP!
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2017 Global Getenergy Awards. Vote for INSTEP!

Posted date: 27 April 2017

INSTEP, based on its achievements in technical learning and collaboration, has been shortlisted for the 2017 Global Getenergy Awards for TWO categories: 

  1. Education and Training Provider of the Year Award
    This award goes to the college, company or university who has consistently developed and delivered industry leading programmes.
  2. Education Partnership Award (with ExxonMobil Malaysia)
    This award recognises a partnership between an oil/gas company and a university or college which, in the opinion of the judges, shows most promise.

Vote for INSTEP!  Online voting is open now until 12pm GMT on the 8th May 2017 

To vote, click this link:, fill in your contact details, select:-

  1. Education Partnership 2017 – INSTEP PETRONAS with ExxonMobil Malaysia
  2. Education and Training Provider of the Year – PETRONAS INSTEP

and hit vote

Do spread the word to your colleagues and clients. We greatly appreciate your kind support.

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